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Beyond Growth: Creating a Unified Progressive Politics

Gus Speth

Gus Speth

Distinguished Next System Fellow more

Movement Strategy & History Democracy & Governance

In a failing system, where can we turn for glimpses of hope and the ability to create change? Distinguished fellow and co-chair of the Next System Project Gus Speth discusses the social, environmental, political, and economical problems that the world faces today and how we can move towards full systemic change in this piece for CommonDreams. Speth states that we need to look towards a new economy and politics to find our way out of the current state of crisis, however, he sees the differing opinions of American liberals and environmentalists as a major barrier to forging a new path forward. He outlines ways in which these two groups of people can come together and create a common platform in order to move towards a new system as one united front.

We are all communities of one shared fate. We will rise or fall together, so we had better get together.

Read the full article at CommonDreams.

Gus Speth

Gus Speth

Distinguished Next System Fellow more

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