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Global Warming and Modern Capitalism

Global Warming and Modern Capitalism

Gus Speth

Gus Speth

Distinguished Next System Fellow more

Environment & Energy

This article published on The Nation and adapted from distinguished fellow and co-chair of the Next System Project Gus Speth’s book The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability, dives deeply into Speth’s belief that in order to create and sustain systemic change and free ourselves from the current crisis, people must come together for the common good. Those working towards social justice, environmental protection, and political democracy must find common ground to forge onward together for radical systemic solutions to our current system.

We are all communities of a shared fate. We will rise or fall together.

Read the full article at The Nation.

Gus Speth

Gus Speth

Distinguished Next System Fellow more

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