Jason Wiener
Jason Weiner is president of Jason Wiener|p.c., a consultancy that works with cooperatives, public benefit corporations and other social enterprise models to protect mission and values. Weiner has served on executive strategy, human resources, finance and other management level teams. He has been a leader in the cooperative, employee ownership, impact finance and capital, and teal lawyering movements. He has published more than six scholarly law review articles on international, human rights and renewable energy topics and speaks regularly about worker-owned and cooperative business model, non-extractive finance, the future of work, the contemporary and teal practice of law, distributed solar policy and sharing economy legal issues. Weiner is also an adjunct professor in Colorado State University’s Global Sustainability and Social Enterprise program, where he teaches an MBA course on business law and ethics, and a guest lecturer at the University of Colorado Law School’s Entrepreneurial Law Clinic.