Measuring the real value of care is the cornerstone of the systemic changes needed to address the unfolding crises in our economic, political, and social world. Find out why on April 14, as The Caring Economy Campaign’s Riane Eisler and The Next System Project’s Gus Speth join together to present the free webinar “Counting Care In.”
Thursday, April 14, 2016
11am Pacific Time
Join us in April and learn:
- How Social Wealth Economic Indicators (SWEIs) can help build a strong economy that values and invests in the essential work of care
- How SWEIs provide the evidence-base you need to make the case for caring policies such as paid parental and sick leave, caregiver tax credits, better pay for care workers and educators, and increased investment in early childhood care and education
- How the SWEIs raise awareness around gender and care that make it essential to explicitly make those foundational dynamics visible.