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Even The Wall Street Journal Is Asking Questions About How Ownership Should Work in a Democracy

Even The Wall Street Journal Is Asking Questions About How Ownership Should Work in a Democracy

Gar Alperovitz

Gar Alperovitz

Distinguished Next System Fellow more

Democracy & Governance Democratic Ownership

From January 2012 to November 2012, The Wall Street Journal ran 132 articles that mentioned golf clubs and only 5 articles that mentioned employee ownership. Can you detect a problem in these numbers? Now, apparently, The Wall Street Journal can. In this article for yes! magazine, political economist, historian, and co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz discusses the surprising decision by the pro-capitalism publication to release a long essay by the authorized biographer of Margaret Thatcher on the threat of capitalism and possible alternatives. The piece looks towards new forms of ownership and the importance of democratic control as ways to push back against the failures of our current system.

But the oddity of the WSJ, bastion of capitalism’s most defended ideological heights, running such a forceful indictment of the current system and its tendency to reproduce and deepen levels of inequality inimical to democracy cannot be ignored: The system question may not quite be on the table in the mainstream media in the way it ultimately needs to be, but it’s getting close.

Read the full article at yes! Magazine.

Gar Alperovitz

Gar Alperovitz

Distinguished Next System Fellow more

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