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UW Seattle Teach-In Livestream Videos

Movement Strategy & History

UW Seattle Agenda

1:00pm: Panel Discussion 1 – How can the economy be equitable and environmentally sustainable?

Lance Bennett, Director Center for Communication and Civic Engagement

Jill Mangaliman, Executive Director of Got Green

Nathaniel Matthews-Trigg, Student Leader of Radical Public Health

2:00pm: Panel Discussion 2 – What local solutions can become models in a global system?

Karen Litfin, Author of “Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community” and Melissa Young, Producer of the Films “Shift Change” and “WEconomics”

3:00pm: Panel Discussion 3 – What would real democracy look like?

Nick Licata, Former Seattle City Councilmember author of “Becoming a Citizen Activist”

Michael McCann, Director of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies

Edgar Franks, Farmworker Advocate & Coordinator at Community to Community Development

4:00pm: Panel Discussion 4 – Can capitalism be fixed?

John de Graaf, Author of “Affluenza” and “What’s Economy for, Anyway?”

Sarra Tekola, Climate Justice Activist from Women of Color Speak Out

Gillian Locascio, State Coordinator of Washington Fair Trade Coalition

6:30pm-8:00pm Rethinking Prosperity: How can we move beyond “Economy vs. Environment” and “Democracy for the Few”?

Jeff Johnson, President, Washington State Labor Council

Stephen Bezruchka, Thought Leader in Public Health and Inequality

Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Councilmember

Audience Discussion

The Next System Teach-In was attended by hundreds of voices united in their common cause of creating a more equitable, democratic, and sustainable world. After listening to the panelists, the audience participants got a chance to discuss the issues in small roundtable discussions where they could record any key insights from their discussions on sticky notes, which were then incorporated into the graphic art recording of the event. You can read a summary of the audience discussion in the post “Next System Teach-In Participants call for real democracy, equitable and green economy.”

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