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Public Planning


Green stimulus

Let the people design a green stimulus

Public spending that puts people back to work building the infrastructure we need is a well-intentioned policy. But this time the infrastructure spending must be green—and all of us have to be in on the decision-making.  read more
A blister pack of medicine in pill form

Commitments to public pharmaceutical production in the Democratic primary

Our report Medicine For All: The Case for a Public Option in the Pharmaceutical Industry  argues that truly making pharmaceuticals accessible and affordable for all Americans will require public ownership of pharmaceutical production read more
Elizabeth Warren against a backdrop of pills

The Warren/Schakowsky public pharma bill: a good first step

Warren and Schakowsky’s bill, by putting public manufacturing for the public good on the table as a real option, represents an important advance, but there are further important opportunities to expand the scope and impact of public pharma that we should not neglect.  read more
Containers of prescription medication

It’s Time for a Public Option in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Drug companies are hated for a reason—they exist to maximize profits, not make us healthier. It’s time to put them under public control. read more


Panelists at the Politics of Land and Housing forum, from left: Jarrid Green, Laurie Macfarlane and Peter Gowan

Displacement Battles on Two Continents Show How We Can Reshape the Politics of Housing

Communities can do more than just put a Band-Aid on the problem of gentrification and displacement, and a panel of researchers who held a forum at the Democracy Collaborative’s offices in Washington discussed the best thinking and work happening on both sides of the Atlantic to keep housing affordable for everyone. read more


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A History of Nationalization in the United States: 1917-2009

The United States has a long and rich tradition of nationalizing private enterprise, especially during times of economic and social crisis. read more
The sun setting with an ocean-based oil rig on the horizon

Quantitative Easing for the Planet

To keep carbon safely in the ground, the government should secure control of fossil fuel reserves by promoting a federal buyout of the top US-based, publicly-traded fossil fuel companies, using the power of the Federal Reserve to deploy newly created money into the financial system. By focusing on major companies in the first links of the fossil fuel supply-chain, the federal government could detach growth- and profit-driven interests from reserves and halt otherwise inevitable extraction. read more
A modern light rail train at a station

Policy Brief: Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure

Against infrastructure strategies that depend on private investment and public-private partnerships (PPPs), Democracy Collaborative Fellow Ellen Brown, founder and president emeritus of the Public Banking Institute, shows how public strategies for investing in infrastructure can deliver far more at lower costs for the public good. read more