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Online Roundtable: Nationalization

We’ll be sorting out the surprising history of nationalization in the US, the demands currently on the table, and what we need to know in order to make sure nationalization is used to make a more democratic economy, not set up a post-crisis reconsolidation of corporate power. read more
Economic Update host Richard Wolff interviews John Duda

Worker co-ops rising

Democracy Collaborative communications director John Duda explains in this edition of “Economic Update with Richard Wolff” how worker cooperatives have become a rising movement that is shaping mainstream economic development strategy around the country. read more
Joe Guinan on Raising Incomes panel

The role of worker ownership in raising incomes

The Next System Project’s Joe Guinan called for a “democratic ownership revolution” at a Washington forum organized to discuss strategies for addressing extreme wealth inequality in the United States. read more
Thomas Hanna and Nomi Prins on The Laura Flanders Show

The Laura Flanders Show explores “revolution at the Federal Reserve”

In this episode of The Laura Flanders Show, The Next System Project Research Director Thomas M. Hanna and author Nomi Prins explore what systemic change would look like at the Federal Reserve. read more

Video: Community Land Trust

CLTs are nonprofit organizations that acquire and steward land in a “trust” for the permanent benefit of low-income communities. This video explains what they can achieve. read more
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Video: Resident-Owned Community

Resident-owned communities (ROCs)—manufactured housing neighborhoods in which the land is community-owned and managed–are one of the leading sources of affordable housing in the U.S. This video explains their benefits. read more

Video: Limited Equity Housing Cooperative

A limited equity housing cooperative is a residential development owned and managed by a democratically governed, nonprofit cooperative corporation, such as a tenants’ union. This video show how they help keep housing affordable over the long term. read more
Panelists at the Politics of Land and Housing forum, from left: Jarrid Green, Laurie Macfarlane and Peter Gowan

Displacement Battles on Two Continents Show How We Can Reshape the Politics of Housing

Communities can do more than just put a Band-Aid on the problem of gentrification and displacement, and a panel of researchers who held a forum at the Democracy Collaborative’s offices in Washington discussed the best thinking and work happening on both sides of the Atlantic to keep housing affordable for everyone. read more

Building the Democratic Economy, From Preston to Cleveland

The story of how the city of Preston in the UK got inspired by Cleveland’s Evergreen Cooperatives and helped launch a movement to build community wealth and a more democratic economy. read more