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Race & Ethnicity

A pictue of Shirley Sherrod superimposed on a rural field with the words "Free the Land" above

Shirley Sherrod on Land & Community Control

The struggle for Black economic independence: not a lot of people, particularly people of color, have had a chance to design a new community, to be different and equal, co-owned by its residents. read more
A picture of people harvesting plants

Soul Fire Farm: Feeding the Soul, Growing Community

A farm in upstate New York is dedicated to addressing the painful history of farmwork to Black people in the US, while also growing fresh vegetables and community surrounding it. read more
A picture of the people highlighted in the episode

Gender, Race, and the Next System

The Laura Flanders Show, in collaboration with the Next System Project, has been taking up themes of gender and race, and their intersectionality with the next economic system. read more
Line of African Americans under billboard picturing smiling happy white people, with text reading "There's no way like the American way"

Phil Thompson on the Historical Fight for Civil and Economic Rights

Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Phil Thompson discusses the historical opposition to slavery as a labor system, and the Black struggle to advance economic and human rights. read more
Default Image: Sun

Three short films on systemic crisis and systemic solutions

These three short films feature PolicyLink’s Angela Glover Blackwell, MIT’s Phil Thompson, and Boston College’s Juliet Schor. read more
A group of protestors marching behind a banner that reads "Black Lives Matter"

Angela Glover Blackwell on Systemic Racism

In this powerful clip, PolicyLink’s Angela Glover Blackwell connects today’s unrelenting cases of police violence to systemic causes, underlining the urgency of systemic solutions. read more