Resident-owned communities (ROCs)—manufactured housing neighborhoods in which the land is community-owned and managed–are one of the leading sources of affordable housing in the U.S. This video explains their benefits.
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A limited equity housing cooperative is a residential development owned and managed by a democratically governed, nonprofit cooperative corporation, such as a tenants’ union. This video show how they help keep housing affordable over the long term.
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CLTs are nonprofit organizations that acquire and steward land in a “trust” for the permanent benefit of low-income communities. This video explains what they can achieve.
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In this video, Next System Project Co-chair Gar Alperovitz sketches the major institutions of a systemic alternative based in plural forms of democratic ownership, orientated around community at various scales—what he calls “The Pluralist Commonwealth.”
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This video animates David Bollier’s commons-based framework, which he argues could provide a critical template for de-commodification, mutualization, and the organization and control of resources outside of the market.
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A farm in upstate New York is dedicated to addressing the painful history of farmwork to Black people in the US, while also growing fresh vegetables and community surrounding it.
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