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Democracy & Governance

Amazon New York City protest

Without Amazon, New York can now do economic development right

There is an opening to make the city’s emerging solidarity economy a viable alternative to the tactic of using tax giveaways to woo large corporations. read more


From private profit to public alternatives

Public ownership is gaining ground against privatization—here’s why neoliberalism’s narrative is falling apart and why the people are taking back the economy. read more
Water faucet

Baltimore joins the global movement against privatization

In These Times features a key vote in Baltimore that is the latest chapter in a global movement toward keeping public services in public hands. read more
The commons

The Commons

The commons are collective resources—encompassing things as varied as land, seed banks, and open-source software—managed by self-organized social systems under mutually acceptable terms. read more
The Constitutional Turn

The Constitutional Turn: Liberty and the Cooperative State

The English-speaking left has long tended to neglect questions of constitutional design. That should change. read more
Green Bank

Green Bank

A green bank can help communities transition away from fossil fuels and build resilience against climate change. read more
Community benefit agreement

Community Benefit Agreement

A legally binding product of negotiations between a developer and community members who have banded together to safeguard their community’s interests. read more
British Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn

How UK Labour Party’s ‘Radical’ Plan for Economic Democracy Could Shake Global Politics

The Labour Party in the United Kingdom, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, is advancing “a radical program for dismantling and displacing corporate and financial power in Britain” that could open up a revitalization of left politics globally, says a new read more


on a field with flowers, the word commons is displayed with a ghostly geometric pattern underneath the image.

Episode 17: Social Transformation Through ‘The Commons’ (w/ David Bollier)

How the commons give us a frame to think against enclosures and towards a next system. read more