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Democratic Ownership

Bologna, Emilia Romagna. Photo by Tomas Kohl.

La Región de Italia Donde Las Cooperativas Producen una Tercera parte de su Producto Interno Bruto (PIB)

Seis cosas que podemos aprender de la región del norte de Italia, Emilia Romagna, donde las cooperativas impulsan la economía. read more
Democratic employee ownership funds

Plans advance for democratizing worker ownership

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has put forward a set of proposals that would”fundamentally shift the wealth of the economy into the hands of those who create it.” read more
Democratizing power in rural America through electric co-ops

Democratizing power in rural America through electric co-ops

In this episode, we’re discussing how to further democratize rural electric cooperatives and what that means for the communities that these institutions serve. read more
Red-state socialism

Red-state socialism

Many “red states” already have some socialist policies and institutions—actual common ownership and public provision of goods and services often reserved for private markets. Not only are many of these institutions long-lasting; they’re also both popular and successful. read more
A pie slice

Infographic: Inclusive Ownership Funds

How to make sure workers get a slice of the economy’s success, too. read more
Tools are hung on a wall of a workshop with different colors overlapping over them.

Election-year debate: “Wish-list economics” or necessary transformation?

The Democracy Collaborative weighs in on “wish-list economics,” making the case that in the face of extreme crises radical solutions are practical solutions. read more

The policy approach to mainstreaming worker ownership

Worker ownership is now on the agenda of the 2020 presidential campaign. We discuss the proposals and how they address issues of worker power and economic inequality with Next System Project Policy Associate Peter Gowan and Mo Manklang of the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives. read more
Sen. Bernie Sanders

“Let’s expand employee ownership”: Bernie Sanders backs inclusive ownership plan

Policy associate Peter Gowan tells The Washington Post that Sanders “would become the first member of Congress to propose requiring corporations to create a fund of shares for their employees.” read more

By a wide margin, Americans support “inclusive ownership funds”

Inclusive ownership funds, which create a pathway to scaling up meaningful employee ownership in all of our largest corporations, enjoy robust popular support. read more