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Environment & Energy

Economic Growth

Why is growth a challenging problem? How Would the Pluralist Commonwealth Manage Growth? Where can we see on the ground efforts to tackle the growth question today? read more
A storm surge pushing waves onto shore, threatening a row of houses.

Climate action — at all scales — is more necessary than ever

The climate crisis demands that action be taken at the community, city, and state levels, but also that we not lose sight of the larger systemic transformations and interventions that will be necessary to avert catastrophe. read more
Marchers beneath a banner that reads "To Change Everything It Takes Everyone"

The Policy Weapon Climate Activists Need

As climate catastrophe looms, we need to solutions that can truly keep carbon in the ground. What would it take to buy out the fossil fuel companies behind the crisis and shut them down? read more


A New Cooperative Economy

A New Cooperative Economy

In this second place at-large entry in our Next System Project Essay Competition, Guy Dauncey confronts the foundational myths of our current economic system, and highlights where the foundations of a more equitable and sustainable system are being built today. read more
2016 Elections and State Level Climate Policy Victories

2016 Elections and State Level Climate Policy Victories

With the election of Trump, a climate change denier, the environmental world took a difficult hit. However, there are signs of hope at the local level that have the ability to lead to real change. The time is now and the work is ours to do. read more


Cooperativas De Usuarios De Energia Solar

Cooperativas De Usuarios De Energia Solar

Unión de los consumidores para negociar con los proveedores y contratistas precios a granel más económicos de equipos solares y tarifas de instalación para sus hogares. read more


Participatory Planning

Participatory Planning

Developing the structures and processes that ensure the communities affected by dirty energy production get a real say in what the path to clean power looks like. read more


Medición Neta

Medición Neta

Incentivar la producción de energía verde permitiendo que las familias e instituciones reduzcan su contador eléctrico, vendiendo a la empresa el exceso de energía que generan a un precio de venta al público, en lugar de a la tasa más baja pagada a los productores mayoristas. read more


Subsidios De Eficiencia Energética

Subsidios De Eficiencia Energética

La energía limpia está al alcance de la mano al incentivar un menor consumo de energía a través de mejoras rentables (mejores bombillas, menos corrientes de aire, etc.) read more