Decades of ceaselessly expanding market liberalism have sown row upon row of dragon’s teeth; the left must quickly recover the capacity to offer a radically different political economy or reap the consequences.
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The response must begin with—but also go beyond—the urgent work of defending, wherever and however possible, the individuals and communities most at risk.
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Instead of accepting defeat in the face of the Trump administration, many people are looking to resist. But what can be done when changes at the national level seem unlikely?
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Our system is failing. Profound anger at a rigged system has led many voters to reach for something different – even if it means turning in a dangerous new direction.
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Are you tired of business as usual? Want to help millions of Americans learn about the real alternatives that already exist and how to be a part of them?
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What would it look like if the system in all of its dimensions – cultural, economic, political, environmental – focused on ensuring we have a healthy society and planet? What would it take so caring for people and nature is a top priority?
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Our Next System Teach-Ins are providing platforms and opening space for students, faculty, and community to envision and create the Next System.
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Over the coming decades, and especially when the next crash comes, will we be ready to offer a clear, workable and compelling vision of how to reorganize society?
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