As both the owners and customers of the NYPA, New Yorkers have the opportunity to demand, build, and benefit from a more democratic and equitable energy system as the state aims to be greenhouse-gas-emission-free by 2040.
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For decades, we have been sold a myth of private health. It is a myth that our health is largely a product of individual choices and personal responsibilities. It is a myth that our healthcare is a service that private corporations can provide, and for which we must pay to survive.
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Las políticas y prácticas tradicionales evidentemente nos están fallando frente a las tendencias decadentes de largo plazo en cuanto a la desigualdad de ingresos, la concentración de la riqueza, la desinversión y desplazamiento de las comunidades, la pobreza persistente con carácter racial y geog
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Multi-stakeholder cooperatives include two or more membership groups and can use their flexible governance structures to provide an institutionalized means for those groups to communicate their needs.
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