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State holding company or economic preservation fund

Create a state holding company to prevent the leveraged buyout of the real economy

A state holding company would acquire failing companies and distressed assets in this shutdown period, mothballing them until recovery begins and the economic stimulus kicks in.  read more
Green stimulus

Let the people design a green stimulus

Public spending that puts people back to work building the infrastructure we need is a well-intentioned policy. But this time the infrastructure spending must be green—and all of us have to be in on the decision-making.  read more
Anchor mission community wealth

Video: Community wealth building in the era of COVID-19

Democracy Collaborative President Ted Howard and Centre for Local Economic Strategies CEO Neil McInroy explain how in both the United States and the United Kingdom community wealth building strategies are offering a better way forward to a post-COVID-19 economic revival. read more
Closed due to current health crisis until further notice

Local Economy Preservation Funds: A plan to save local businesses and create broad prosperity

In an article for Next City, we propose a way to save local businesses at scale, while also creating a more equitable and democratic economy out of the ashes of the old. read more
The Future is Public

The Future is Public: Towards democratic ownership of public services

The COVID-19 crisis has shown that public services and the people who operate them are the foundation of healthy and resilient societies. A growing international movement is choosing remunicipalization as a key tool for redefining public ownership for the 21st century. read more

To recover from COVID-19, America needs a vaccine. To get it, we can’t rely on corporations

The number of vaccine producers has been dwindling for years, because vaccines do not offer the kinds of profits that pharmaceutical companies think they deserve. There is, then, but one viable solution: We should nationalize what remains of the American vaccine industry now. read more


Earth Day at 50

Earth Day at 50: The movement’s past in dialogue with its future

Gus Speth was active in the first Earth Day 50 years ago. Dulce Arias is a climate activist prepared to take the movement 50 years into the future. Together in The Next System Podcast they assess the successes and failures of the past and how a new generation is applying those lessons in an era of climate crisis. read more
Owning the Future

Owning the Future: After COVID-19, a new era of community wealth building

On both sides of the Atlantic, the COVID-19 crisis poses a double challenge. Beyond the terrifying public health emergency, the vitally necessary immediate response has been an economic shutdown of unprecedented proportions. read more
Media for people and planet

Shaping a media for people and planet

The path to a changed democracy rests on a changed media, and this dialogue under the auspices of Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere at Stanford University explores how that change could happen. read more