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Environment & Energy

Signs carried by marchers reading "El Pueblo Unido" and "United for Jobs Justice and Climate"

Taking climate action to the next level

Real climate leadership means changing the system in ways that get to the root causes of climate change and other societal ills. Three groundbreaking and complementary interventions could transform the power structures that promote and enable our problematic energy and political-economic systems: quantitative easing for the planet, public ownership for energy democracy, and anchor strategies for the energy transition. read more
Energy democracy panel RG

Supporting energy democracy through a Green New Deal

To achieve the dual mission of decarbonizing our energy use and addressing economic inequity, the Green New Deal must invest in an energy future based on democratic governance and community control. Here is a suite of policy tools essential to that mission. read more
Lots of elements of a community powered by sustainable energy: solar, wind, and more.

Building Community Capacity for Energy Democracy: A Deck of Strategies

Energy democracy is the simple idea that the transition we urgently need to clean, renewable sources of energy should be accomplished hand-in-hand with the expansion of a more equitable economy and of a more participatory democracy. read more
Lots of elements of a community powered by sustainable energy: solar, wind, and more.

La Democracia Energética: Una Baraja de Cartas

La democracia energética es la sencilla idea de que la transición a fuentes de energía renovables, que tan urgentemente necesitamos, debería ir de la mano con la expansión de una economía más equitativa y de una democracia más participativa. read more