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Community & Place

Regeneration not gentrification

A “new direction”: Rediscovering community wealth building in an age of gentrification

To preserve communities in the throes of displacement, cooperative movements and new economy advocates must pivot in a new direction that blends place and the democratic economy. This “new direction” actually borrows from an idea nearly 50 years old. read more
Revisiting community control of land and housing

Revisiting community control of land and housing in the wake of COVID-19

As the nation’s housing crisis deepens during the COVID-19 pandemic, we urgently need new approaches and institutions that center permanent affordability, community ownership and control, and the long-term goal of decommodification. read more

Building community wealth globally: The Kigoma-Preston collaboration

Advancing the democratic economy in Tanzania with the help of an international politics of solidarity and co-creation. read more

Community Control of Land and Housing

Exploring strategies for combating displacement, expanding ownership, and building community wealth. read more
Commoning as a Transformative Social Paradigm

Commoning as a Transformative Social Paradigm

In facing up to the many profound crises of our time, we face a conundrum that has no easy resolution: how are we to imagine and build a radically different system while living within the constraints of an incumbent system that aggressively resists transformational change? read more