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Movement Strategy & History


Resource: Rethinking Prosperity

Resource: Rethinking Prosperity

Rethinking Prosperity is a civic engagement project to identify and communicate economic models that work for more people, within planetary boundaries. They explore new ideas and effective communication strategies through learning-communities that bridge the classroom, research, and civic arenas. read more
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Resource: Project Censored

Project Censored educates students and the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government. They expose and oppose news censorship and promote independent investigative journalism, media literacy, and critical thinking. read more


Resource: Evonomics

Resource: Evonomics

A revolution in economics and business is taking place. Few are aware of these deep and profound changes underway that have power to transform the world. Not anymore! Evonomics is the home for thinkers who are applying the ground-breaking science to their lives and who want to see their ideas influence society. read more
A Social Capitalism

A Social Capitalism

Gar Alperovitz writes of the pivotal moment in history that we find ourselves in and the need for open dialogue about the future as we search for solutions and systemic change. read more
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Systemic Problems Require Systemic Solutions: Time to Talk About the Next System

If we are to escape the crisis now unfolding around us, we must create a new system of political economy capable of taking us to a very different place, where outcomes that are truly sustainable, equitable, and democratic are commonplace. read more
On the left a caterpillar, connected by a dotted line to a chrysalis at the center, then connected again by a dotted line to a butterfly on the right.

Systemic Problems Require Systemic Solutions: Time to Talk About the Next System

If we are to escape the crisis now unfolding around us, we must create a new system of political economy capable of taking us to a very different place, where outcomes that are truly sustainable, equitable, and democratic are commonplace. read more
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National Launch Webinar: The Next System Project

In our national launch webinar, Next System Project Co-chairs Gar Alperovitz and Gus Speth were joined by Angela Glover Blackwell, Juliet Schor, and Gerald Torres for a conversation about finding systemic solutions to the systemic crisis we face. read more
Oil drills

We Need a New Economic System

In order to find solutions to our current political and economic issues, there needs to be full systemic change. Gar Alperovitz discusses the need for a new economic system in this article for Aljazeera America. read more
It's Time to Get Serious About Systemic Solutions to Systemic Problems

It’s Time to Get Serious About Systemic Solutions to Systemic Problems

It is time to begin a real conversation—locally, nationally and at all levels—about what a genuine alternative beyond corporate capitalism and state socialism would look like, and how we would build it. read more