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Movement Strategy & History

On the left a caterpillar, connected by a dotted line to a chrysalis at the center, then connected again by a dotted line to a butterfly on the right.

It’s Time to Talk About the Next System

A systemic crisis requires systemic solutions. read more
A child raising their hands

The Next System Project statement on systemic crisis

Download a PDF version of It’s Time to Face the Depth of the Systemic Crisis We Confront, our statement on the need for a national discussion and debate on systemic solutions. read more
Am I a ‘Radical’?

Am I a ‘Radical’?

From a conservative Southern boy to a professional with an impressive resume detailing his work towards a transformative change in our political and economic systems, distinguished fellow and co-chair of the Next System Project Gus Speth details his own history in this article. read more
A woman holding a megaphone

Searching for Radicalism in a Corporate Age

As national and international challenges mount across the full spectrum of human affairs, and as more and more acute observers conclude that the problems we face trace back one way or another to our system of political economy—the corporatist, consumerist capitalism that we have today—it is timely to ask, where is the activism that might change the system? read more
Default Image: Stained Glass

Beyond Growth: Creating a Unified Progressive Politics

We are all communities of one shared fate. We will rise or fall together, so we had better get together. read more
A scrapyard

Toward a Post-Growth Society

It is widely believed that growth is always worth the price that must be paid for it—even when it undermines families, jobs, communities, the environment, and our sense of place and continuity. read more
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

What is the American Dream? Dueling dualities in the American tradition

Throughout our history, there have been alternative, competing visions of the “good life” in America. The story of how these competing visions played out in our history is prologue to an important question: What is the American Dream and what is its future? read more
Off the Pedestal: Creating a New Vision of Economic Growth

Off the Pedestal: Creating a New Vision of Economic Growth

Sustaining people, communities and nature must henceforth be seen as the core goals of economic activity, not hoped for by-products of market success, growth for its own sake, and modest regulation. read more