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Race & Ethnicity

La Clínica del Pueblo (versión española)

La Clínica del Pueblo (versión española)

Una entrevista con Alicia Wilson, Directora Ejecutiva de La Clínica del Pueblo, una organización sanitaria con sede en Washington, DC, que ha servido la población latina e inmigrante por más de tres décadas. read more


Why must the United States confront its long history of systemic racism? How would the Pluralist Commonwealth begin to promote racial equality? What on-the-ground efforts can be seen working towards our future of collective liberation? read more
For Reparations: A Conversation With William A. Darity Jr.

For Reparations: A Conversation With William A. Darity Jr.

The Next System Project’s Adam Simpson and Carla Skandier sat down with William Darity for a conversation about his proposed reparations program to African Americans and the social and economic issues underlying the program. read more
DHS Immigration Memo Underscores Urgent Need for National Guard Reform

DHS Immigration Memo Underscores Urgent Need for National Guard Reform

Recent events raise profound questions about who commands the National Guard, whom the Guard serves, and beyond these, the role of military organizations in either strengthening or undermining democracy in the twenty-first century. read more
Growing Justice: Transcending racism in the food system

Growing Justice: Transcending racism in the food system

Transforming our system into one rooted in provision means more than just creating new organizations that aim to do well for the community; it will require that we rewrite the beliefs, exchanges, and rules of our own interactions. read more
Two people discussing music and art

The Mousai House: A Cooperative Vision for a New Creative Economy

Bryant’s exposition of The Mousai House gives a glimpse into a thriving local economy rooted in Washington D.C. that has blossomed despite struggle, displacement, and oppression, exemplifying a rich cooperative culture that transcends the current system. read more

A Radical Alliance of Black and Green Could Save the World

The power of community is vast and the ability to exact change when groups come together for one purpose is beyond anything an individual can accomplish. What kind success can those fighting for racial justice and advocates for the environment reach if they work together? read more
Thinking about a next system with W.E.B. Du Bois and Fannie Lou Hamer

Thinking about a next system with W.E.B. Du Bois and Fannie Lou Hamer

Before launching The Next System Project, we sat down with historian and economic activist Jessica Gordon Nembhard to learn what the tradition of Black cooperative economic development and the long struggle for civil rights could teach us about system change and system models. read more


Default Image: Glass Facade

Resource: PolicyLink

PolicyLink is a national research and action institute advancing economic and social equity by Lifting Up What Works. PolicyLink connects the work of people on the ground to the creation of sustainable communities of opportunity that allow everyone to participate and prosper. read more