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Solidarity economy

System Change: A basic primer to the solidarity economy

There is a great deal of confusion about both what socialism and capitalism mean. Here is a look at different systems or models of socialism, capitalism, and solidarity economy, a post-capitalist framework that emerged in Latin America and Europe in the 1990s. read more
BRESCO protest

The nation’s first “fair development” zero waste plan 

In a south Baltimore neighborhood, a powerful, youth-led coalition helped spearhead the first Zero Waste Plan developed by and for U.S. grassroots communities that want to transition from an economy of extraction to one of reuse and regeneration. read more
Public holding company

Public holding company

The effects of a local firm facing economic disaster can ripple destructively through a community. Public holding companies could take either partial or full ownership positions in distressed firms to prevent the economic and social dislocations associated with liquidation or collapse. read more
Hundred dollar bills in the shadows

A reading list for taking on financialization

One of the most important parts of a program for building power to take on the financial industry must be one of political education. read more
Oil well

The movement to nationalize the fossil fuel industry: a timeline

An interactive timeline chronicles key moments in the movement to advance the nationalization of the fossil fuel industry, which would enable a managed just transition to renewable energy. read more
VA for all

Create a “VA for all” 

In our lifetime, it has perhaps never been clearer that we need a single, coordinated public healthcare system with equal access for all—a read more
Postal banking

Use the post office as a banking lifeline

A postal banking system in which everyone can have an account could provide quick access to emergency support for the millions of people without bank accounts forced to wait months for a stimulus check from the government.   read more
Housing moratorium

Cancel rent and mortgage payments, house the unhoused

We need to put a general pause on the housing market and then build a system that supplies housing to meet human needs. read more
Community wealth

Launch a new era of community wealth building

We must work to ensure that the response to the crisis ushers in the creation of democratic, inclusive, and locally rooted economies centered on collective well-being, local resilience, ecological sustainability, and economic justice. read more