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Money laid out on a chalkboard with arrows drawn around the coins.

What is a participatory workplace?

As part of our “New Systems: Possibilities and Proposals” series, Robin Hahnel sketched the basic contours of a model for a participatory economy. read more
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NYC Convening: Opening Plenary

This plenary opened the Next System Project’s 2016 NYC Convening. read more
A participant in the NYC Teach-in

Our Inaugural Teach-Ins: Highlights from NYC

Participants and workshop facilitators from one of the inaugural Next System Teach-Ins share their thoughts and visions for a “next system.” This NYC Convening served as a platform for students, faculty, and community to unite and build together. read more
A picture of people harvesting plants

Soul Fire Farm: Feeding the Soul, Growing Community

A farm in upstate New York is dedicated to addressing the painful history of farmwork to Black people in the US, while also growing fresh vegetables and community surrounding it. read more
A picture of money moving schematically on a chalkboard to indicate the concentration of wealth in a financial institution.

What is Economic Democracy?

Democratize labor! Democratize capital! Democratize democracy! These are the rallying cries David Schweickart deploys in his call for Economic Democracy, one of the first papers in our “New Systems” series exploring viable political-economic alternatives to the present order. read more
Students standing behind a banner that reads "Divest Now"

Noam Chomsky on the power of student organizing

Can student and campus organizing catalyze systemic social, economic, and political change?  We asked Noam Chomsky to share his take with the networks of activists mobilizing around the Next System Project teach-ins this spring. read more
A still from the video of organizers speaking about the Madison teach-in

The Next System Teach-Ins to spark debate from New York to Seattle

Watch members of the UW-Madison community explain why they’re hosting a teach-in and how they are collaborating to organize the weekend-long event. read more
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LIVESTREAM: NYC Convening Opening Plenary

Join us for the opening plenary of our NYC Convening, a 3-day event that unites community activists, economists, students, and visionaries of all types to envision what the “next system” will truly look like, and how we can build it together. read more
A picture of the people highlighted in the episode

Gender, Race, and the Next System

The Laura Flanders Show, in collaboration with the Next System Project, has been taking up themes of gender and race, and their intersectionality with the next economic system. read more