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Democratic Ownership

Even The Wall Street Journal Is Asking Questions About How Ownership Should Work in a Democracy

Even The Wall Street Journal Is Asking Questions About How Ownership Should Work in a Democracy

In this article, Next System Project Co-chair Gar Alperovitz discusses the surprising decision by The Wall Street Journal to suddenly release a long essay on the threat of capitalism and possible alternatives. read more
Default Image: Triangle

Resource: New Economy Working Group

The mission of the NEW Group is to support the articulation and popularization of a bold, coherent, holistic, compelling, and accessible vision of unrealized economic possibility. read more
Jeremy Corbyn

Don’t believe the Corbyn bashers - the economic case against public ownership is mostly fantasy

The Democracy Collaborative’s Joe Guinan and Thomas Hanna discuss the power of Jeremy Corbyn and examine the claims that public ownership is inefficient in this piece for openDemocracyUK. read more
A large dam being constructed

Socialism, America-Style

In this article for The New York Times, co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz, along with the Democracy Collaborative’s director of research Thomas M. Hanna discuss socialism in 21st century America. read more
A socialist newspaper article on the Lucas Plan

Bring back the Institute for Workers’ Control

Joe Guinan, senior fellow at the Democracy Collaborative and executive director of the Next System Project, discusses the political, economic, and environmental disasters occurring today, and points to salvage in the form of workers’ control. read more
These Cities Built Cheap, Fast, Community-Owned Broadband. Here's What Net Neutrality Means For Them

These Cities Built Cheap, Fast, Community-Owned Broadband. Here’s What Net Neutrality Means For Them

The Democracy Collaborative’s Gar Alperovitz and Thomas Hanna write about publicly owned broadband in certain American cities, and discuss the merits of public ownership and these cities’ ability to push back against corporate control of a vital economic resource. read more
Red state, red power: Nebraska’s publicly-owned electricity system

Red state, red power: Nebraska’s publicly-owned electricity system

Within a capitalist society, such as America, there is an obvious emphasis on private ownership. However, successful uses of public ownership models can be found in the unlikeliest of states. read more
Rural Electrification Administration erects telephone lines in rural areas.

Nebraska’s Community-Owned Electricity System

In the United States, conservative Nebraska is the only state where every single resident and business receives electricity from a community-owned institution rather than a for-profit corporation. read more