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Environment & Energy


Community Benefit Agreements

Community Benefit Agreements

It’s possible to mandate that any jobs created through state or local programs to promote renewables be good jobs, with living wages, and that these jobs be local or created by minority-owned companies. read more


Medición Neta Virtual

Medición Neta Virtual

Simplifica los beneficios que se obtienen de los proyectos solares comunitarios ayudando directamente a los participantes a ahorrar dinero en su factura de electricidad en función del precio de venta al público de la energía renovable que ayudaron a producir, aunque esa energía se haya generado en un lugar diferente al techo de su casa. read more


Cooperativas Verdes De Los Trabajadores

Cooperativas Verdes De Los Trabajadores

Capturar la riqueza creada durante la transición verde al asegurar que los empleos verdes creados en dicho proceso sean dominio de sus trabajadores. read more


Virtual Net Metering

Virtual Net Metering

Simplifies the benefits realized from community solar projects by directly helping participants save money on their electric bill based on the retail price of the renewable energy they helped produce, even if that power was generated somewhere else than on their own home’s roof. read more




Retira un sistema energético local del control corporativo privado y lo pone al servicio del control público como empresa municipal. read more


Energy Investment Districts

Energy Investment Districts

The Center for Social Inclusion’s model for a place-based, participatory entity to channel investment into green energy projects that directly benefit marginalized low-income communities and communities of color. read more


Carbon Tax-and-Invest

Carbon Tax-and-Invest

Based on the polluter pay principle, a carbon tax attaches a usage fee to fossil fuels in proportion to the carbon content of the fuel, providing a financial incentive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. read more


Financiamiento De Facturas

Financiamiento De Facturas

Permite a los residentes de bajos ingresos, y que no tienen la posibilidad de optar por un capital inicial o crédito, financiar mejoras energéticas a través de ahorros previstos que podrán observar en facturas más bajas. read more


Energy Efficiency Subsidies

Energy Efficiency Subsidies

Go after clean power low-hanging fruit by incentivizing less energy use through cost-effective upgrades (better light bulbs, less drafts, etc.) read more